Advantages Of Mobile Devices In eCommerce Industry

The number of smartphone owners tops nearly 80%. This means that more and more smartphone users are looking for businesses through mobile devices Mobiles have quickly overtaken the eCommerce industry. Today, the smartphone accounts for over 50% of all the revenue earned in the eCommerce industry. To further back the domination of mobile in eCommerce industry, consider the fact that over 60% of all the search-queries are made using mobile devices. This means businesses looking to tap into the eCommerce industry needs to maintain a strong responsive website to be able to entertain majority of internet users. Now, with a greater number of people accessing your website through internet as compared to desktop or laptop, users are increasingly judging websites based on their user experience from mobile devices. This is further backed by the Google’s “Mobile First” indexing released last year made sure that responsive websites get more visibility and higher ranking in search results made from mobile devices.