6 Must Watch Out Website Design Trends in 2018!

It is that time of the year when professionals start whispering about expectations and evolutions they want to see in respective trade. Well, 2017 has been a tremendous year for web design and development. It was one eventful year where we saw the rise of many out of the norm practices in web design industry. Many new technologies were initiated by fanatic designers willing to leap one step ahead of settled norms. Today, many of those initiated technologies have made it into mainstream media and finally have been successful in gaining the traction.

As we had already moved into the year 2018, the speculations are on the rise. For most industry experts and veterans, 2018 would be the year of minimalism, asymmetry, boldness and visual aesthetics.

Here are our top bets on website design to look out for in 2018:

  1. Priority Mobile Sites

Mobile websites - web design trends 2018

According to statistics, already over 50% of global traffic is generated through mobile platforms. The trend is only going to gain traction even further. Search Engine giant, Google has already shown its intent to prioritize websites with a mobile-friendly design and user interface. This means website owners would have to prioritize their mobile web design in order to achieve higher rankings over the search engine giant.

Apart from mobile priority web designs, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) have also gained fast grounds in the past year. AMPs refer to less clunky web pages to load faster by decluttering the code and making it less clunky. Many news sites have already switched to AMPs in order to gain more traffic to their site. If you haven’t yet shifted to AMPs, 2018 is the year to overhaul your website design and shift towards the AMPs.

Must Read: Inspiring Logo for your Business in 2018!

  1. Bold Web Designs

Minimalism has been the order of the day for most web designs in 2017. Frankly, the trend won’t fade away in 2018, however, now we are more likely to see a unique fusion of minimalism with bold typography and colors. Web designers had already experimented with the combination in 2017 and the trend is surely going to gain a lot of traction this year.

  1. Repositioning of Sticky Elements

Sticky Elements

For long sticky elements have held their spot on top of web pages and apps. However, with the increase in mobile-friendly sites, it is time to reposition the sticky elements towards the bottom of web pages. Mobile users are more used to tapping at the bottom of their devices. Thereby, web designers have been aiming to shift the sticky elements towards the bottom of the web page. It is worth mentioning that gain social media apps like Twitter is massively responsible to influence the trend.

  1. Security Becomes a Top Priority


The rise of e-commerce industry has seen numerous malicious attempts by hackers to break through the security code of websites. Today, the billions of dollars e-commerce industry are highly in need of a robust, secure and reliable security measures not only for brand recognition but also to protect customer’s important financial and personal details.

  1. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Scalable Vector Graphics have been around for some time now. However, you can expect a sharp increase in the use of SVG in place of other image formats like PNG, TIF, JPEG, etc. Scalable vector graphics refers to the vector images, with an added benefit of scalability. Designers and developers prefer SVG as they are more flexible to integrate with all web design formats without compromising the quality.

  1. Responsive Website Design

Responsive web designs aren’t just a trend today, it is more like the principal. Unresponsive web designs are practically out of the race and businesses. In 2018, we can expect the exponential growth in responsive website designs among businesses and brands.

Must Read: Website Design Principles for Every Entrepreneur

Getting it all Together:

2018 is surely going to be an eventful year for web designers, businesses, and customers alike. Customers can expect to get a lot more exciting and viable features over the websites. Whereas, for designers, 2018 is all about creating the perfect harmonizing balance amongst quality, boldness, functionalities, and aesthetics.

What do you expect to see in website design industry for 2018? Tell us about your thoughts and expectations on the subject.

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