New Year Resolves

New Year Resolves for Businesses – The Digital Resolutions for Small and Big E-commerce Businesses!

The celebrations of New Year night has come to halt in New Zealand. Throughout the world, the beginning of New Year is celebrated with some resolve for the coming 12 months.

People set their goals to accomplish, while small and medium businesses reassess their operations for the past 12 months. New Year is also a great time for small businesses to rethink their business strategy and set new goals for the coming year.

Perhaps for an overwhelming majority of small and medium businesses the New Year resolve always come with “Grow the business operations” and “Make more money”. However, without a solid plan and a tactically devised strategy, businesses can’t achieve any set goals to come.

Here we are going to share 4 New Year digital resolves for small and medium e-commerce businesses to boost their operations and start making “Big Money”:

  1. Mobile Conversion Rates:

Mobile Conversion Rates

First and most of all the ultimate aim for any e-commerce business should be to get mobile-friendly (even friendlier than they are today). Over the years, the mobile users have significantly surpassed desktop users for e-commerce businesses. Thereby, getting, even more, mobile-friendlier should be on the list for every e-commerce business.

Now before you jump to any conclusion it is important to note that the actual conversion rates (yeah that’s where you start making money out of the business) remain lower than conversion rates for desktop users. Still, with an ever-increasing number of mobile users, you definitely got to shoot this!

Go for a mobile-friendly Auckland website design agency, offer customers a smooth and seamless mobile website experience just as a way to encourage them to make online transactions through mobile devices. The industry is big and still relatively untapped (as compared to desktop transactions) so you can definitely make big money out of your efforts.

Related Read: Website Design Tips for Young Entrepreneurs

  1. Email Marketing

Email Marketing

New Year is the best time to revitalize your businesses’ email marketing campaign. It is the time of the year where you can redefine your marketing strategy and update the email marketing list. It is important to renew or update the marketing list; add some new potentials and remove blank / unanswered accounts. Removing subscribers who haven’t respond back for a long time will also help establish a healthy online presence of the business.

Once you have your updated list, tactfully define the marketing strategy. Avoid batching or blasting newsletters to subscribers, rather go for a customized email marketing campaign. Data mining can help business extract useful information out of the subscriber’s list, which alternatively can be used to lay-out a strategic email marketing campaign.

Remember, a highly personalized and targeted email campaigns will go a long way to engage subscribers and potentially converting them to customers. The first 2 months of subscription are vital for businesses to cash as subscribers are engaged with businesses most of these two months. After this period there’s a sharp dip in subscribers’ interest provided you haven’t engaged them already.

  1. Reconnect with abandoners

Reconnect with abandoners

Lost subscribers aren’t to be let go easily. The successful businesses understand the importance of reconnecting with abandoned customers and they employ every possible tactic to re-approach them.

New Year is perhaps the big opportunity for small and medium businesses to re-engage and re-approach lost users through highly customized marketing.

A short personalized marketing email like “we have renovated our website design to offer you enhanced user experience” or “The best website design company in Auckland is pleased to offer you a mega discount for the New Year. Get your business the most awe-inspiring website at amazingly affordable rates”, can go a long way to reconnect with abandoners.

  1. Customer Care

Customer Care

More than anything else, e-commerce service users are concern about the customer care services offered by the businesses. The reason big businesses make “Big Money” is because customers rely on their services and are sure to be responded to any complaint.

This year, you can too make a big impact on customers with diligent and gracious customer care services. Make your customers believe in you by offering them instant customer services. You can also improve customer satisfaction by asking existing customers about their reviews for services or any complaints they want to register. Believe me, customers are prone to spend more for services they rely on and you can start reaping Big Money by simply enhancing the customer care approach at your business

The Final Words:

New Year is all about new hopes, new beginnings, and new resolves. For small and medium businesses, New Year brings a lot of hopes and determination to follow the path of market leaders and make a lasting impact. Tweaking the digital marketing approaches of business operations can definitely help you bring out the most out of your e-commerce business this year.

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